Current favourite make-up products: Collablog Diaries

collablog diaries 1

Remember Collablog Diaries? Yes, it is hard to remember since we do only one post a month in this series, and that too gets skipped sometimes. Anyway, the second post in this series is up on Mily’s blog right here. It is about the current favourite make-up products that each of us are using! I am not big time into make-up but I love the pretty packaging (lol!) and I enjoy playing around a little bit with it. So, go have a look (if you are into make-up, I mean πŸ˜› as I know most of the readers here aren’t. πŸ™‚ )

In case you want to check out the first post in the series, please go here. It was done on Rose’s blog and it was about DIY ideas (do it yourself) that we swear by.

Do let me know how you find the posts if you happen to check them out. πŸ˜€

One thought on “Current favourite make-up products: Collablog Diaries

  1. Pingback: Outfits with memories attached | Collablog Diaries | Life of Srish

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